Friday, December 31, 2010
Alex's 2 week appointment
Big Boy Bed
Well I'm so happy to say that Alex will not be going to daycare for at least 2 to 3 months. I have asked my dad to move here to take care of her during the winter. I have one more week off thanks to my boss who called me yesterday to give me another week. After that my father will be caring for her in our house. Doesn't he look like a natural? This is the best gift he has ever given to me. I could not be more happy to keep her home till she gets bigger. THANKS DAD!!!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Alex Jennifer
Alex finally joined us on November 22, 2010 at 5:22am. She came 6 days after her due date and also came on her own, thankfully I did not have to be induced. I started labor about an hour before we were to be at the hospital to get induced. Labor went quickly and perfectly. We arrived at the hospital around 8pm Sunday night. I lasted until midnight with no drugs and tried an injectable hourly drug first. This drug got me to a 4 at which I then received my epidural at 2:30am. My anesthesiologist said it was a little early to receive one but I knew it was not early for me. Around 4:15am my water broke and I started pushing at 5am. There were no issues pushing her out and Alex shocked everyone with her weight of 9lbs 1oz. We had a great experience and Casey was an awesome coach and helped take good care of me. We are very blessed with our new daughter.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Waiting Game....AGAIN
Well i'm officially over due AGAIN!!! My due date of November 16th is long gone. I should have expected this since I went a week over with Rylan. I have started seeing the doctor every other day and also started having stress tests to make sure the baby is okay. I tried to get induced last week and of course it failed, so if drugs can't get me to have this baby... Nothing is going to work, just time. From the beginning I always thought I would have this baby Saturday November 2oth, so we will see if i'm right. I had Rylan's birthday picked out when I was pregnant with him. If the baby is not here by Monday the 22nd we will have to try inducing again. I really do not want to be in the hospital on Thanksgiving - so let's hope this baby comes out soon.
Monday, October 18, 2010
36 weeks - 28 days to go
I had another ultrasound today. Our "little" girl is measuring at 7lbs 2 oz already. She is not so little which is probably a huge indication of why i'm so uncomfortable. I have only gained 16 pounds and she is 7 of it - that's just crazy! Because of her size i'm quite sure I will only go 38 or 39 weeks. Not sure if i'll be able to get her out if I go to my due date and I sure do not want a C-Section! So we could be meeting our little girl in just 14 days at the earliest. She has not dropped yet so that's good as she needs to stay cooking for at least 2 more weeks. I'm really getting excited to meet my daughter and to finally hold her.
I also met with my new boss today. She said I could take as much time off as I needed as family is number one. How cool is she? I'm SO happy to be working for a female, what a difference.... Since I will most likely go early though, i'll still be able to spend 8 weeks with her. Pretty cool.
I also met with my new boss today. She said I could take as much time off as I needed as family is number one. How cool is she? I'm SO happy to be working for a female, what a difference.... Since I will most likely go early though, i'll still be able to spend 8 weeks with her. Pretty cool.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Exciting News!!!
I'm really happy to announce that I received a promotion at work! Who knew you could get promoted when you are 35 weeks pregnant? I'm going to now be a Financial Analyst for the Hospital here in Sioux Falls. I'm currently working as an accountant for the Network which is all the small hospitals outside of Sioux Falls. The SF Hospital is the heart of Sanford so it's a totally different level. This job is finally going to offer me some challenges and new adventures and is a huge move in my career! I finally feel my career is back on track after moving twice and having Rylan. However.... The sad news is I will not be taking off 12 weeks to spend with my daughter. I have not discussed the date i'll be coming back to work with my new boss but i'm pretty sure it will have to be at the beginning of January. Therefore putting her in daycare when she is 6-7 weeks old. Sad but it's what i have to do! I'm very happy with this change in my life, it was much needed!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Big Boy!!!
Rylan is becoming such a big boy. First he has started potty training himself, he goes everyday in the potty. He is very interested in the big boy potty! One night he went pee twice and poop. I had no expectations of him potty training before he was two but i'll do whatever he wants! He has also started to do it at daycare!
Just last night we were all hanging out and Rylan was jumping off the couch unto the pillows on the floor. All of a sudden he starts saying... Five... Six...Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten and then he jumps. Casey and I looked at each other surprised as heck - I said "Is he counting" and Casey said "it sure sounds like it"... Rylan kept doing it over and over. We thought he couldn't count past two and now out of no where it's all the way to ten. I'm pretty sure we can thank daycare for this one!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
33 weeks
I went to the doctor today and received great news! My fluid levels are back to normal - 18 when 20 and below is normal. I was just one of those women who carry extra fluid from 20-30 weeks. So this takes out the likelihood of having preterm labor and major complication (well hopefully)!!! She is still measuring big so I could go early but I will know more at my 36 week ultrasound. I feel huge, tired, uncomfortable and not sleeping as well. I now understand why you are not able to travel after 32 weeks - it was exhausting! California was great other then the allergies or cold I developed while I was there. So only 50 days left until this little girl will enter our life, such little time and so much to do!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Apple Orchard
Monday, September 20, 2010
32 weeks
I had another ultrasound this morning and the doctors seem less concerned then 3 weeks ago. My fluid levels are considered higher then normal but not "high" and it did not increase so that's great. She is still measuring 11 days big so they want to continue measuring her size so she doesn't get too big and I can't deliver her. I will have another ultrasound in 4 weeks and will hopefully be my last one. I think from there they could maybe decide to induce me a week or two early. I just want her to come in November, no sooner and not too close to Rylan's birthday.
She has also flipped - no longer breech!!!! I couldn't be happier about that. I do not want a c-section, it was so easy the first time.
We still have not decided on a name for her, Casey and I have the hardest time agreeing. I honestly think he is impossible - he should just let me name my first daughter what I want:) HAHA.... I wish!
I'm heading to California this weekend for a wedding and Casey is off to Minnesota for a different wedding. I'm really excited about my last trip before my life changes even more! But after this weekend I won't be traveling again. I do not want to get too far from my doctor (nor my bed)!!! So let's hope the high altitude doesn't put me into labor!
She has also flipped - no longer breech!!!! I couldn't be happier about that. I do not want a c-section, it was so easy the first time.
We still have not decided on a name for her, Casey and I have the hardest time agreeing. I honestly think he is impossible - he should just let me name my first daughter what I want:) HAHA.... I wish!
I'm heading to California this weekend for a wedding and Casey is off to Minnesota for a different wedding. I'm really excited about my last trip before my life changes even more! But after this weekend I won't be traveling again. I do not want to get too far from my doctor (nor my bed)!!! So let's hope the high altitude doesn't put me into labor!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
First and hopefully last trip to the ER
Rylan - 21 months
chocolate pudding (sugar free of course)
I absolutely love this age! Rylan has really become a pretty great kid. He is much easier now then he was as a baby. The terrible two's has been pretty easy so far. We do have some episodes of temper tantrums but it really doesn't happen too often. We do have a few issues of Rylan biting, hitting and pushing other kids down at daycare and hopefully he gets past this stage soon! He can communicate with us really great and does something almost everyday that amazes us. Its amazing how much they really do understand. We hear very often how smart Rylan is and hope his learning continues!!!
29 weeks - 11 more to go (maybe)...
Well this pregnancy has not been as easy as it was with Rylan. First my doctor thought I could have gestational diabetes but after 4 weeks of testing my blood my blood levels are just fine. I never failed my 1 hour exam but I was close but i'm positive it had to do with my throw up session two nights before and not eating for 2 days. I then had to do the 3 hour exam which was actually not so bad. I love how people treat you when you are pregnant. They gave me my own room which I could lay down in a bed and they came in hourly and took my blood. I as well did not fail that exam however my 20 week ultrasound showed a large baby so my doctor made me take my own blood 4 times a day. After those testings for 2 weeks I was completely fine. The diabetes counselors said I look totally fine and there was no reason they needed to see me again:)
We just had our 2nd ultrasound yesterday and of course she is measuring 11 days ahead and I also have extra amniotic fluid (24 when 20 and below is normal). My doctor was happy my levels were not in the 30's as sometimes it can indicate something is wrong with the baby. I will have another ultrasound in 3 weeks and we hope that my levels are back to normal. I also have to start seeing my doctor weekly until I deliver - oh what a joy! That means going to the doctor 10 weeks in a row, not fun!!! My doctor has stressed how important it is for me to take things easy as having extra fluid can cause preterm labor/bedrest. I'm almost positive I won't see my due date of November 16th anymore - but hopefully just a week early as I do not want her and Rylan to have that close of birthdays. Pregnancy is stressful!!!!
We just had our 2nd ultrasound yesterday and of course she is measuring 11 days ahead and I also have extra amniotic fluid (24 when 20 and below is normal). My doctor was happy my levels were not in the 30's as sometimes it can indicate something is wrong with the baby. I will have another ultrasound in 3 weeks and we hope that my levels are back to normal. I also have to start seeing my doctor weekly until I deliver - oh what a joy! That means going to the doctor 10 weeks in a row, not fun!!! My doctor has stressed how important it is for me to take things easy as having extra fluid can cause preterm labor/bedrest. I'm almost positive I won't see my due date of November 16th anymore - but hopefully just a week early as I do not want her and Rylan to have that close of birthdays. Pregnancy is stressful!!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Casey, Rylan and I went to Yellowstone a few weeks ago. It's a beautiful place and we enjoyed our time there. Here are a few pictures from our trip.
Moose and baby moose
Grizzly bear
Yellowstone Lake - Absolutely Beautiful!!!
Old Faithful
Casey & Rylan planning out our adventure
Ry & Casey enjoying the views...
It's A Girl
The day we found out what we were having we had family over to share the big news. It was so fun to tell people in person and see their expression. My cousin who is in culinary school made the cake for the big announcement. The cake was delicious!!! Of course the best excitement came from my mother who screamed "it's a girl" and broke down in tears - she is pretty excited for me to have a daughter. That moment was priceless, just wish I had it on video. I'll never forget it.
New Addition
We are having baby #2 :) Casey and I are expecting a little girl November 16th, 2010. I'm currently 24 weeks pregnant. I was very surprised to find out it was a girl as I figured I would have all boys. Having a daughter has always been one of my dreams and i'm so happy that it's going to happen (not that I would have been happy with all boys!) I'm also equally excited for Casey to have a daughter - now he will really have a soft heart. The kids will be almost exactly 2 years apart. So what i've heard, life is really going to change with 2 kids.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Rylan - 17 months
I have been horrible about updating this blog!!! Here is Rylan at 17 months, he is becoming a little boy. We have had our fair share of sicknesses this last month. The latest has been strep, first Casey had it and now Rylan has it. When we took Ry to the doctor he weighed over 27 lbs., he sure is getting big. I swear he has grown 3 inches since Christmas. We have his 18 month check up at the end of the month so I will update his stats then. Here are a few pictures of our little handful.
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