Monday, October 18, 2010

36 weeks - 28 days to go

I had another ultrasound today. Our "little" girl is measuring at 7lbs 2 oz already. She is not so little which is probably a huge indication of why i'm so uncomfortable. I have only gained 16 pounds and she is 7 of it - that's just crazy! Because of her size i'm quite sure I will only go 38 or 39 weeks. Not sure if i'll be able to get her out if I go to my due date and I sure do not want a C-Section! So we could be meeting our little girl in just 14 days at the earliest. She has not dropped yet so that's good as she needs to stay cooking for at least 2 more weeks. I'm really getting excited to meet my daughter and to finally hold her.

I also met with my new boss today. She said I could take as much time off as I needed as family is number one. How cool is she? I'm SO happy to be working for a female, what a difference.... Since I will most likely go early though, i'll still be able to spend 8 weeks with her. Pretty cool.

1 comment:

Mrs.Lyles said...

WOW! That is know that wouldn't have been the case elsewhere....Very sweet....I am excited to see her pictures!