We had one terrible weekend. On Saturday Rylan fell really bad and hit his head on the table and broke it open pretty good. Thankfully no stitches were needed. However on Sunday it was a different story. We were just leaving Plankinton and I came into the house and wasn't paying close enough attention and Rylan had his fingers by the hinge of the door. Well i closed the door and of course his pinkie was in the hinge. It sliced his finger open pretty good and we had to rush off to the ER in Mitchell (20 minute drive which felt like 20 hours) - Rylan received 5 stitches in his pinkie. He screamed for 2 hours straight, it was absolutely terrible! I could not believe this happened as i'm a parent who watches him like crazy. However, after going thru this and seeing my child go thru this pain I cannot imagine how some parents deal with the tough stuff. This was actually pretty minor as his finger is already back to normal and you would never know anything happened.
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