Monday, October 11, 2010

Big Boy!!!

Rylan is becoming such a big boy. First he has started potty training himself, he goes everyday in the potty. He is very interested in the big boy potty! One night he went pee twice and poop. I had no expectations of him potty training before he was two but i'll do whatever he wants! He has also started to do it at daycare!

Just last night we were all hanging out and Rylan was jumping off the couch unto the pillows on the floor. All of a sudden he starts saying... Five... Six...Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten and then he jumps. Casey and I looked at each other surprised as heck - I said "Is he counting" and Casey said "it sure sounds like it"... Rylan kept doing it over and over. We thought he couldn't count past two and now out of no where it's all the way to ten. I'm pretty sure we can thank daycare for this one!

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