Friday, October 10, 2008

38 Week Appointment

I went to the doctor today and my body is slowly getting ready for labor. I'm dilated just 1 cm and 50% effaced, so I still have a ways to go. The baby has dropped but not completely. Looks like the little one will arrive close to his due date. My blood pressure is still great and all the other tests are good as well. I'll be back at the doctor in one week to see if anything has changed. If I do go past my due date, I'll most likely be induced on or before November 3rd. So at least we know an end date.

Hope all is well with everyone. Love the Codys.


Maggie said...

Holy Crap your belly is not small! Ha ha.. you are looking good. If I were you I would be very ready to deliver! Good thing you are being such a great sport!! Hang in there, the end is near!

Lou said...

Nikki, you look great! I'm so excited for you. I toast to you "Here's to an easy labor!!!"

Unknown said...

You look beautiful! But, I have to say that you are pretty BIG! He will be here before you know it and this will all be so worth it. And you'll even want to do it again!