Friday, October 31, 2008

6 days past my due date:(

Wow what a week of pregnancy. I started having contractions on Monday and they have continued throughout the week. We had our two fetal heart rate tests done to make sure the baby is okay and he passed, so that's good news! I went to the doctor today and I'm 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced. So close! My body is really taking the long route on delivering this baby. The doctor said the average labor is 18 hours long but I've already experienced about 8 hours of it during this last week. Let's hope he is right!

If the baby does not come this weekend we will be heading to the hospital at 6am on Monday. The doctor will break my water and hopefully that will put me into labor. If it doesn't he will have to give me some drugs to get it started. The doctor is hopeful just breaking my water will do the trick.

We are in the last final stretch thankfully, Casey and I are so ready to meet our first child.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

October 25th, 2008

Well it's officially my due date and I'm still pregnant. I went to the doctor last week and I'm sill 1 cm dilated and moved to 60% effaced. So not progressing very quick at all. I now have to go to the doctor twice a week to have a test called fetal heart rate monitoring. Basically I'll sit in a chair for 30-45 minutes and they will have a monitor attached to my tummy to monitor his heart rate to make sure he is not under stress. This is common procedure once you are considered post-labor. The doctor will induce me on November 3rd if I have not yet gone into labor by myself. So he will be here soon whether he likes it or not!

Casey and I are starting to plan our big move home! We feel blessed everyday knowing that we will be around friends and family in just 6 weeks especially with a newborn. We are planning on leaving Michigan on December 1st. Casey and his dad will do the driving and I'll be flying with the baby, so it shouldn't be too bad with the little one. Take care, love the Codys.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Guess what....

Nope I'm still pregnant...but we are moving to Sioux Falls, SD the first week in December. Casey received a job transfer and will now be an ICE Agent instead of a Border Patrol Agent. He will still be doing immigration work but just not on the border anymore. His job will be Monday thru Friday 8-5 and have holidays off. We could not be any happier. Casey and I have missed living close to family and friends since the day we left. Michigan ended up being a quick pit stop but we are okay with that. So all you in South Dakota, can't wait to see you again. Love the "VERY HAPPY" Codys!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

One week to go...

I'm due one week from today and unfortunately still pregnant. We are extremely ready to welcome this little boy into our life. I went to the doctor yesterday and my body did not progress any closer to labor, still 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I head back to the doctor on Thursday unless something happens in the mean time. This waiting process is very hard as I'm sure every parent knows what I'm talking about. Hopefully it happens sooner then later, as I will not be very happy if I go past by due date and beyond. So let's pray this little guy surprises us soon. Love the Codys.

Friday, October 10, 2008

38 Week Appointment

I went to the doctor today and my body is slowly getting ready for labor. I'm dilated just 1 cm and 50% effaced, so I still have a ways to go. The baby has dropped but not completely. Looks like the little one will arrive close to his due date. My blood pressure is still great and all the other tests are good as well. I'll be back at the doctor in one week to see if anything has changed. If I do go past my due date, I'll most likely be induced on or before November 3rd. So at least we know an end date.

Hope all is well with everyone. Love the Codys.