Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First and hopefully last trip to the ER

We had one terrible weekend. On Saturday Rylan fell really bad and hit his head on the table and broke it open pretty good. Thankfully no stitches were needed. However on Sunday it was a different story. We were just leaving Plankinton and I came into the house and wasn't paying close enough attention and Rylan had his fingers by the hinge of the door. Well i closed the door and of course his pinkie was in the hinge. It sliced his finger open pretty good and we had to rush off to the ER in Mitchell (20 minute drive which felt like 20 hours) - Rylan received 5 stitches in his pinkie. He screamed for 2 hours straight, it was absolutely terrible! I could not believe this happened as i'm a parent who watches him like crazy. However, after going thru this and seeing my child go thru this pain I cannot imagine how some parents deal with the tough stuff. This was actually pretty minor as his finger is already back to normal and you would never know anything happened.

Rylan - 21 months

Running around the house!
Silly kid

Rylan is obsessed with watching Casey mow the lawn

chocolate pudding (sugar free of course)
I absolutely love this age! Rylan has really become a pretty great kid. He is much easier now then he was as a baby. The terrible two's has been pretty easy so far. We do have some episodes of temper tantrums but it really doesn't happen too often. We do have a few issues of Rylan biting, hitting and pushing other kids down at daycare and hopefully he gets past this stage soon! He can communicate with us really great and does something almost everyday that amazes us. Its amazing how much they really do understand. We hear very often how smart Rylan is and hope his learning continues!!!

29 weeks - 11 more to go (maybe)...

Well this pregnancy has not been as easy as it was with Rylan. First my doctor thought I could have gestational diabetes but after 4 weeks of testing my blood my blood levels are just fine. I never failed my 1 hour exam but I was close but i'm positive it had to do with my throw up session two nights before and not eating for 2 days. I then had to do the 3 hour exam which was actually not so bad. I love how people treat you when you are pregnant. They gave me my own room which I could lay down in a bed and they came in hourly and took my blood. I as well did not fail that exam however my 20 week ultrasound showed a large baby so my doctor made me take my own blood 4 times a day. After those testings for 2 weeks I was completely fine. The diabetes counselors said I look totally fine and there was no reason they needed to see me again:)

We just had our 2nd ultrasound yesterday and of course she is measuring 11 days ahead and I also have extra amniotic fluid (24 when 20 and below is normal). My doctor was happy my levels were not in the 30's as sometimes it can indicate something is wrong with the baby. I will have another ultrasound in 3 weeks and we hope that my levels are back to normal. I also have to start seeing my doctor weekly until I deliver - oh what a joy! That means going to the doctor 10 weeks in a row, not fun!!! My doctor has stressed how important it is for me to take things easy as having extra fluid can cause preterm labor/bedrest. I'm almost positive I won't see my due date of November 16th anymore - but hopefully just a week early as I do not want her and Rylan to have that close of birthdays. Pregnancy is stressful!!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Montana Wedding

Rylan LOVES to dance!
Mya and Rylan
Rylan's new mad look (hilarious)
Rylan and momma
Swinging with papa - cute shorts boys!