We have started preparing for our little one to join our life. Here are some pict

ures of Casey putting together our car seat/stroller, swing and crib.
I'm 36 weeks pregnant and have reached the point that if I were to go into labor the doctors would not stop me from delivering, so great news! A full term pregnancy is considered either 37 or 38 weeks so we are almost there. I have started the
weekly visits to the doctor where they test

my blood pressure, protein, growth, baby's heartbeat, and weight. So far things are looking good. I have no swelling yet and the back pain has gone away, so i really can't complain, I
feel great. My doctor said he would be surprised if I went early as it appears I will go till my due date or after. The longest he will let me go will be 41 weeks.
Casey and I had an all day labor class last weekend. It was actually a really great experience and I left there not nearly as terrified about giving birth. We enjoyed the learning and Casey especially enjoyed the relaxation p

art of the class (yes he took a small snooze)... We were able to see the rooms we will deliver and stay in and they were beautiful! So now the waiting game is on
