Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Alex - 4 months

Alex started daycare this week. She is just over 4 months and i'm so happy to be putting her in daycare now instead of 7 weeks. THANK YOU DAD!!! She is doing well. They say she is a very happy baby and loves to smile and talk to the other kids. After the first day of daycare she came home exhausted. Alex is a light sleeper so she doesn't sleep well at daycare. I'm hoping she can adjust or I will be bringing in a CD for her to listen to like I had to with Rylan in order for him to sleep. Both my kids need white noise to sleep, I think most everyone sleeps better with it. Tomorrow Alex will be staying home, she of course caught the virus Rylan and I both have and has fevers. Oh what a joy to have 2 sick kids but thankfully i'm feeling better so it should be easier to care for them.

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