Friday, May 15, 2009

6 month appointment

What a big boy we have on our hands!!! For Rylan's six month appointment he weighed 19 lbs and 5 oz which puts him at 75% for his weight. He was 26.75 inches long which also puts him at 75% for his height. His head size is now at 50%. Rylan did great with his 3 shots and thankfully we don't have to have shots again till he is one year old. He is trying to become mobile which I know will add a whole new twist to my life:)
My first Mothers' Day was awesome! I was so happy to have my mom here to spend it with as well as be with Rylan. My parents helped plant my garden and Rylan gave me a new camera so I can take even more pictures of him.
I will not be updating this website till June, I have a huge test to study for that I will take May 30th! Keep me in your prayers as I really need to get it passed so I can give Rylan that college education!
Rylan and Grandma Devish

One happy boy!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Playing around

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Miley & Rylan

Our dog Miley LOVES attention, so much she even goes to Rylan for it! She is a very sweet dog who is wonderful with Rylan. Of course Ry is very interested in the dogs, he loves to grab their hair and touch them. Here are some pictures.

Yesterday I took Rylan to the eye doctor for his first check up. Many people wonder how you can test a baby's' eyesight but you really can. There is actually a government sponsored program called InfantSEE that pays for your baby to get their eyes checked. The eye doctor said Rylan is doing great. One eye is developing a little faster then another but it's pretty normal. We will go back when he turns 3 years old.

Friday, May 1, 2009