Rylan was born November 1st at 7:52am. He weighed 8 lbs 1 oz and measured at 20 3/4 inches. On friday I had contractions all day however not very consistent. Around 11:45pm they became consistent at about five minutes apart. Around 1:15am Casey decided it was time to go to the hospital and thankfully he did. We arrived at the hospital around 1:45am and we went to the triage to hopefully be admitted. They checked my cervix and I was still 3cm dilated and 70% effaced, same as earlier that day when I went to the doctor. They wanted me to wait an hour to see if anything changed. So Casey and I walked about and when they went to check me again I did not change. I was fearful they were going to send me home claiming I was not in true labor. After calling my doctor on the phone they decided to let me stay one more hour. During this hour we relaxed and turned the lights off and I laid still. At 5am they checked me and I was at 4 1/2 cm dilated and
95% effaced. Yeah - I was progressing:) Thank goodness as I was in way too much pain to go home, I probably would have refused.
I was then taken to my delivery room where my nurse prepared me for the delivery. I received an epidural around 6:15am, thankfully as I was telling Casey I was not sure if I could do it anymore. Then all of a sudden we had a very scary moment. I had 2 people in my room to about 10 people and they were putting an oxygen mask on me. The doctor on call at the hospital came in and checked me and I was completely dilated and ready to deliver. I was having constant contractions which made little Rylan's heart rate drop extremely low. They gave me a drug to stop me from contracting and rushed me to an OR for a possible emergency c-se
ction. Thankfully the drug worked very quick and Rylan's heart rate went back to normal. I then had to wait about 15 minutes for my doctor to get there to deliver me. Once she arrived we prepared for a normal birth. I started pushing around 7:15am and thankfully delivered at 7:52am. The entire experience went by so quick! We stayed in the hospital for one night and was discharged the next day. Rylan is a true blessing and we are enjoying each moment we have with him, even the sleepless nights. Love the Codys.
I was then taken to my delivery room where my nurse prepared me for the delivery. I received an epidural around 6:15am, thankfully as I was telling Casey I was not sure if I could do it anymore. Then all of a sudden we had a very scary moment. I had 2 people in my room to about 10 people and they were putting an oxygen mask on me. The doctor on call at the hospital came in and checked me and I was completely dilated and ready to deliver. I was having constant contractions which made little Rylan's heart rate drop extremely low. They gave me a drug to stop me from contracting and rushed me to an OR for a possible emergency c-se
1 comment:
YAHH!!! I'm so glad that everything went well! I'm so excited for you. I'm happy that your little guy decided it was time to come out and enjoy our world! I hope all is going well!
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