Monday, February 22, 2010

Tucson...Here we come!!!

On Thursday we are taking off for some warm weather in sunny Tucson, Arizona...our old home! We have not been there for almost 2 years and we are so excited to see some of our good friends and have them meet Rylan!!! We will be gone from Thursday till Monday. It will be interesting flying with Ry for the first time and to see how he does! Ry does very good in new situations so I think he will do great but i'm not sure how well he will do having to sit still on our laps in the airplane:) We are really excited to play outside and take him to parks everyday and enjoy the weather! Plus I do have to mention, we are really looking forward to eating at some of our favorite restaurants and having some real mexican food ~ yummy!

Mya & Rylan

Mya and Rylan are sure cute together! They talk to each other, give each other love and copy each other. It's too cute and so fun to see these two grow up together. The picture of them looking out the window was pretty hilarious. Mya kept getting closer and closer to Rylan pushing him out of the way, he finally had enough and pushed her down. It was great to have these two together and hopefully we will see them more often now that their lives are finally settling down.... CONGRATS CHAD!!!! (Chad graduated from paramedic school and has accepted a job with the Mitchell Fire Department)

Just like Daddy!!!

Rylan loves to wear hats just like his daddy.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Daycare update

Ry is becoming such a big boy...He is moving to the next room at daycare with the older kids. I can't believe it:) He sure loves it in the toddler room, in fact he now gets upset when he is not in that room anymore. They try to transition him into the toddler room but it appears that Rylan wants nothing to do with going back to the infant room... There are 3 other kids older then Ry in the infant room but Rylan is the first to move, I guess he is ready for more activity. He even takes a nap in the new room and this involves laying a mat on the floor and laying down. Rylan is usually the last one up from his nap. Who knew a 15 month old would understand laying on the floor and taking a nap??? It's just crazy to me to think of Rylan being able to do that. So amazing how they adjust and learn from other kids.

I get updates from daycare about what they do everyday. Here is what an average day is: "reading books and singing songs, counting in English, Spanish, and Japanese. Reading and ripping magazines, building with Lego's, pretend with doctor toys and tools and painting with water colors". It's no wonder he loves it in the toddler room:) There are 15 kids in this room with 3 teachers. I wish I could watch him play all day, i'm so curious to see how he plays with other kids.

Happy Valentines Day

A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.
-Author Unknown
Above is a picture from a year ago and one from today. How much has Rylan changed? It's amazing how fast the last year went and how much joy Ry brings to us. He is a true blessing and we are thankful for him everyday! Hope everyone has a great Valentines Day!

Monday, February 8, 2010